Numbers in Black is a team of financial experts, led by Katrina Way. Katrina has loved numbers since an early age. Her favorite purchase at the toy store was a math workbook. Her love of numbers has continued throughout her life. While her accounting career began with paper and pencil, she relishes in all that online technology has to offer businesses in terms of managing their financial affairs.
Our goal at Numbers in Black is to be an outsourced accounting department for your business. We’ll help you find hidden opportunities in your business and apply cutting edge cloud technologies to streamline your business processes. Ultimately, the aim is to help you grow your business and succeed.
We make it our mission to bring financial technology solutions to small businesses. We work with businesses to help them create real-time efficiencies to move their business forward.
Never Stand Still in Complacency.
We don’t like to toot our own horn but we’ve had a few proud moments at Numbers in Black in the last few years. Katrina and the team have been nationally recognized as Xero Certified Advisors as well as Hubdoc,, and ADP partners.
Katrina Way, Founder of Numbers in Black, loved numbers since she was a child. Her favorite toys to buy at the toy store even revolved around math. Her love of numbers has stayed with her throughout her life. While her accounting career began with paper and pencil, she relishes all that the cloud has to offer businesses in terms of managing their financial affairs.
She wants to create an outsourced accounting department for your business while collaborating with cutting-edge cloud technologies that streamline processes to grow your business. Let her assist you in identifying your financial pain points and remedying the pain by creating cloud solutions.
Sign up now and we’ll get you up to speed with Xero – simple and intuitive cloud accounting software.
Book your free no-obligation consultation and find out how we can help your business!